Monday, March 05, 2007

To blog, or not to blog

So, I've had this blog here in some shape or form for about 3 years now. I've cycled different blogs in and out of here, with this one serving as a staging point for podcasts before they launch. Yet, I still feel the need to roll more with a personal blog, not only so I can brain dump from time to time, but also to further my personal brand.

Who knows what will become of this blog. Will it continue to serve as a periodic brain dump as it always has, or will it roll into something more. I'm spread pretty thin right now with family, work, podcasts, my friends in Second Life... not to mention trying to keep the sanity of the latest flash craze on the internet, Twitter. At least spring is rolling in, which will give me the chance to get out and get some fresh air a bit more over lunch, clear my head, and try to head off the multitasking-induced attention deficit disorder.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I hear you my friend. I'm totally in the same place as you and at times feel like I'm swimming upstream. Things are evolving and moving so quickly that it's hard to know where and when to put the brakes on and when to roll with it.

I too am looking forward to the nice weather so I can get out of school to go for a walk and just take a breather.